How can you help out the Destination Home Team?
Details on how ex-home players can donate their cache data.
Last updated
Details on how ex-home players can donate their cache data.
Last updated
By donating your data to the Destination Home team we can re-purpose your Home data back into both for the online/offline client. This will help with archiving things such as original spaces, clothing, LMO's, mini-games, Screenlinks, Posters, Metadata, XML's & more. Once the Destination Home team decrypts users Home data, our staff members will upload any objects/items to the PlayStation Home Master Git Archive. For more information on how to dump your data please check out the official written guide here.
P.S: If you want to see our current progress of what spaces scenes
have been archived by the Destination Home Team, you can check out the Destination Home Scene List Spreadsheet.
This is the maintained text version for this guide. Down below, here is a video guide created by our staff member Nagato.
🎥 PlayStation Home Cache Extraction Video Guide For users who want to see a video version of this guide you can check out my personal video here. Note you'll need to either be on a system that is modified or an official debug unit such as a DECR or DECH model
PS3's before proceeding with the extraction process. If you want to see a video guide on how to be on the latest modded firmware for PS3 which is currently 4.88 as of 6/9/2021
, you can check out my personal guide here.