In this section of this guide, you can find any items/tools that you'll need for this whole process. This process is assuming that users are on starting off on official firmware retail model PS3's.
Step 1: Checking Your PlayStation 3 Model
Your PS3 device needs to be fully working for this process. Any model PS3 will work for this process including FAT/SLIMS/SUPERSLIMS
. This includes any model PS3 from any region as well, meaning if you have a Japanese PS3 or a European model this process will work regardless. Note this is for users who are currently on stock OFW Official Firmware
systems. If you are already on a device that has custom firmware such as REBUG
you can disregard this prerequisite. Additionally, if you happen to have a debug unit PS3 such as a testkit, you can also skip this step.
Be sure to verify that your PS3 USB slots are functioning for this process. You can plug in a FAT32 USB
stick to test if both USBs are working. If you see your PS3 USB stick under the video/music icon in XMB, that means the PlayStation 3 can read your external USB drive just fine.
Your PS3 needs to have a working Blu-ray drive with a working Wi-Fi Bluetooth module. In simplistic terms, your device disc drive should work as well as be able to connect to a network Wi-Fi connection regardless if it's wireless or by an ethernet cable. NOTE: IF YOUR PS3 HAS A BROKEN BluRay Drive or your Wi-Fi/BT adapter is broken STOP RIGHT NOW. Currently, there is no noBD HFW/HEN firmware at the moment for systems that have those issues stated. If you try to install HFW over a console that has a broken Blu-ray drive or a Wi-Fi/BT adapter it is possible that your system will be semi-bricked and stuck into a boot loop.
Step 2: Your device needs to be running System Version 4.90 HFW "Hybrid Firmware"
It is important to not update to 4.89 Official Firmware (OFW), as this will DELETE your Home data, thus you will not be able to donate to Destination Home Team. You will need to install the latest version of Hybrid Firmware (HFW).
Example 1: If your device is on 4.86 OFW you are able to update to 4.90 HFW to proceed with this guide.
Example 2: If your device is on 4.90 OFW then you are still able to update it to 4.90 HFW.
If your PS3 is on a lower firmware prior to 4.90 please update to 4.90 HFW. Please refer back to the latest HEN tutorial if you need a reminder on how to update your device.
Step 3: USB Stick that is formatted to FAT32:
You will need a USB stick to dump your Home cache data, I recommend at least having a USB that is at least 32GB
in size. PlayStation Home’s cache data can range from 1-12GB’s
depending on how much data you've downloaded from Home's servers. This is why I suggest having at least a 32 GB USB. Here is a recommended USB drive that I would suggest for this process.
Step 4: Ethernet Cable Optional
If for some reason you might have issues dumping your Home data and it errors out in multiMan
. You can use an ethernet cable to transfer your data AS A LAST RESORT with the use of FileZilla FTP Client. NOTE: You can any FTP Client of your choice for this process. Click this link for the recommended ethernet cable.
Step 5: multiMan File Manager
multiMan is a file manager Homebrew for the PS3. This will be the tool you will be using to pull Home Cache data. For more information please refer back to the PlayStation Home Preservation Tutorial.
NOTE: If you're on CFW "Custom firmware" download this version of multiMan, this version is for 4.85+ CFW.
NOTE: If you're on HEN/HFW download this version of multiMan, this version is for 4.85+ HEN users.
Step 6: 4.90 Hybrid Firmware "HFW"
4.90 HFW stands for Hybrid Firmware. Hybrid Firmware allows your PS3 to install/accept custom payloads that will ultimately allow your device to run unsigned code. Here is the official download link. Please refer back to the latest HEN tutorial if you need a reminder on how to install the firmware.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: PLEASE CHECK YOUR MD5 Hash before updating your console to avoid any bricks. By checking your MD5 hash, you can verify that your downloading the correct update and your firmware is not corrupt. You can use the OnlineMD5 hash checker for this process. Please refer back to the latest HEN tutorial if you need a reminder on how to check your MD5 hash.
Step 7: Cloud Storage Service
Once you have your data extracted to your USB or PC, you can use any cloud storage services such as Google Drive, MEGA, or MediaFire to upload your data to the Destination Home Team.
Step 8: WinRAR Archive Manager
You’ll need WinRAR to compress/zip up your Home Data cache contents. For more information about how to zip your Home Cache data, please refer back to the PlayStation Home Preservation Tutorial.
Step 9: FileZilla FTP Client Optional
If for some reason you might have issues dumping your Home data and it errors out in multiMan. You can use an ethernet cable to transfer your data AS A LAST RESORT with the use of FileZilla FTP Client. We prefer to have data dumped on a USB drive since FileZilla tends to sometimes not transfer all files over + corrupt files in the process of transferring. Here is the official download link to FileZilla FTP Client.
Last updated